CSG Announces the Winners of Its First-ever Card Grading Contest

Posted on 3/4/2021

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who participated!

Certified Sports Guaranty™ (CSG™) attended its first trade show — the 6th annual Spring Training Sports Collectors Show in Palmetto, Florida — and the response from collectors and dealers was excellent! Everyone was impressed by CSG’s best-in-class holders, which combine superior display, crystal-clear optics and numerous security features.

In addition to answering questions, explaining CSG’s services and benefits and accepting submissions, CSG conducted a card grading contest. Each participant was given 30 minutes to grade a mix of 10 holdered sports card types, including baseball cards, basketball cards, football cards and more, without any outside assistance.

Contestants were scored based on how close their grades were to the CSG grades. Of the many people who participated, three came out on top.

First Place – Joseph DelGrippo from Point Pleasant, New Jersey

Second Place – Dan Lofthouse from Bradenton, Florida

Third Place – Dan Bascianelli from Palmetto, Florida

The first place winner received a $500 CSG grading credit, the second place winner received a free CSG Premium membership (a $149 value) or a $150 CSG grading credit and the third place winner received a free CSG Associate membership (a $25 value) or a $25 CSG grading credit.

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you everyone who participated!

Card grading contests are also a great way for CSG to scout new talent. Participate, do well and you may be CSG’s next star grader! Interested in applying for a job at CSG’s Sarasota, Florida, headquarters? In addition to graders, there are opening for all skill levels. Learn more at collectiblesgroup.com/careers.

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