Use Submission Tracking to Quickly and Easily Check the Status and Grades of Your Submission

Posted on 5/6/2022

To improve efficiency and provide a better customer experience, Customer Service will no longer provide grades over the phone or via email. All grading results will be available online through the free online Submission Tracking resource.

The Certified Collectibles Group® (CCG®) companies are continually looking for ways to improve efficiency and provide a better customer experience. Some measures that we are taking are large, such as investing in new technology and extending a massive hiring push, while others are relatively small, but still enable us to get more done for our customers.

One change that we are making is that Customer Service will no longer provide the grades of submissions over the phone or via email. Instead, customers should take advantage of our free online Submission Tracking resource.

Submission Tracking enables you to follow your submission as it makes its way through the certification process. It is the quickest and easiest way to see that your submission has been received, whether it has been graded and when it is on its way back to you. Grades and collectible descriptions are available to view online when a submission’s status is “Shipped.”

To access Submission Tracking, simply log in to your account by clicking “Sign In” at the upper right of the NGC, PMG, CGC or CSG website and then clicking on “My Submissions” under your profile symbol.

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