CGC Trading Cards Updates Return Shipping Fees for 2022

Posted on 1/18/2022

Starting in 2022, the new fees apply to all shipments from CGC Trading Cards made via domestic USPS Registered Mail.

CGC Trading Cards™ has updated its return shipping fees for domestic USPS Registered Mail. Please see the updated fees below, which are effective for orders placed starting January 18, 2022.

There are no changes to FedEx return shipping fees. However, please note that CGC Trading Cards is no longer using UPS for return shipments unless the submitter has a UPS account. For submissions completed before January 18, 2022, with UPS return shipping requested, CGC Trading Cards will ship via UPS.

For more information about return shipments from CGC Trading Cards and to see all CGC Trading Cards return shipping fees, click here.

CGC Trading Cards return shipping fees for domestic USPS Registered Mail, effective January 2022:

Owner’s Declared Value $1-
1-5 cards $29 $37 $45 $55 $64 $73 $88 $128
6-12 cards $33 $39 $49 $57 $67 $75 $90 $130
13-24 cards $40 $46 $56 $65 $74 $83 $97 $137
25-36 cards $46 $54 $62 $72 $81 $90 $104 $144
37-50 cards $49 $55 $65 $74 $83 $92 $106 $146
51-65 cards $58 $65 $75 $84 $93 $94 $108 $148
66-80 cards $65 $71 $81 $90 $100 $106 $119 $159
81-100 cards $71 $80 $86 $96 $105 $116 $128 $168
101-150 cards $81 $85 $91 $102 $113 $123 $135 $175
151-200 cards $86 $91 $97 $107 $118 $129 $140 $180
201-250 cards $91 $97 $102 $113 $123 $134 $145 $185
251-300 cards $97 $102 $107 $118 $129 $139 $150 $190

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