Temporary Delay for Submissions of Metal Trading Cards

Posted on 3/4/2022

Orders containing metal cards from the Pokémon Celebrations Ultra-Premium Collection are being delayed while CGC Trading Cards adapts its holder.

Released in October 2021, the Pokémon Celebrations Ultra-Premium Collection includes two metal commemorative cards: a Pikachu and a Charizard. Unfortunately, due to the manner in which they are manufactured, the metal cards are very fragile and can be easily damaged in transit. As a result, CGC Trading Cards™ will delay the return of submissions containing these two cards while it adapts its holder to ensure that these fragile cards are better protected against rough handling.

CGC Trading Cards does not yet have a timeline for the holder updates and testing, but the process is being expedited to the fullest extent possible. An announcement will be made once this holder is completed. At that time, submissions of metal cards that have already been shipped by CGC Trading Cards may be resubmitted under its ReHolder service for encapsulation in the new holder.

Please note: Due to the fragile nature of these metal cards, CGC Trading Cards cannot be held responsible should any damage occur to a Pokémon Celebrations Ultra-Premium Collection Pikachu or Charizard card during transit to or from CGC Trading Cards' facilities.

CGC Trading Cards is dedicated to providing collectors and dealers with superior encapsulation that protects and preserves cards. We appreciate your patience while the team identifies the best solution for safely encapsulating these metal cards.

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