Team CGC Trading Cards Made Day Two of the Pokémon Fort Wayne Regional Championships!
Posted on 4/10/2023
Team CGC Trading Cards earned another day two placing! The team faced tough opposition with 1154 Master-level competitors at the Pokémon Fort Wayne Regional Championships, which took place March 31 through April 2.
Representing Team CGC Trading Cards, Caleb Gedemer placed 116th (7/6/1), Azul Garcia Griego placed 309th (4/2/3), and Kidd Starck unfortunately had to leave the event early. Daniel Altavilla was unable to attend the event but will return to competition at the May 5-7 Portland Regionals.
The Fort Wayne Regionals competition marked the end of the current format, meaning this was the last showing of many Sword and Shield era cards. While the team had played their Lost Zone Box deck for many of their competitions, they decided to return to another successful deck (Regigigas) with slight modification.
When asked for comment on their revised deck strategy, Kidd has this to report: “We decided that the last way we could innovate on this format would be with the inclusion of a tech Regidrago — Evolving Skies — in the Regi’s deck (like we played in Peoria and Salt Lake City). This tech would give us a small edge in the Lugia matchup, as it lined up well against an unevolved Lugia V while their opposing Dunsparce — Fusion Strike — was in play. It also gave us a better chance against Arceus [and] Duraludon decks as they would often leave their Duraludon V’s unevolved, giving us no way to one-hit-KO them without the tech Regidrago.”
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Team CGC Trading Cards was assembled by Danny Oesterreich in 2022, and is comprised of seasoned players Daniel Altavilla, Azul Garcia Griego, Caleb Gedemer and Kidd Starck. The team will compete next at the European International Championships, at ExCel London, in London, England on April 14-16. The European International Championships will mark the beginning of the Scarlet and Violet era gameplay format.
Please join us in wishing the team the best of luck throughout the season and keep an eye out for new updates on the team’s performance by following CGC Trading Cards social channels, @CGCcards. You can also watch the events live on the Pokémon YouTube and Twitch channels to see players do battle.
To learn more about Team CGC Trading Cards, click here.
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