CGC Cards Help Center

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Cards Accepted by CGC Cards

What cards does CGC Cards grade?

CGC Cards grades virtually all trading card games (TCGs), sports cards and non-sports cards. For more information about the cards we grade, visit Cards We Grade & Policies
CGC Cards does not certify counterfeit cards. A counterfeit card is one manufactured by anyone other than the official company that produces it.
Certain cards are deemed not suitable for certification on a case-by-case basis; for example, a card with significant missing pieces or with structural integrity issues. 

Will CGC Cards grade other types of cards?

CGC Cards looks forward to grading additional cards in the future. Any new cards eligible for certification services will be announced on the website and social media.

Does CGC Cards grade foreign language cards?

Yes. CGC Cards grades all languages of cards.

Does CGC Cards grade autographed or signed cards?

CGC Cards will certify cards with manufacturer’s certified (“pack pulled”) autographs. Cards with other autographs can be submitted to CGC Cards with the option of autograph authentication by JSA.

Does CGC Cards certify altered cards?

CGC Cards will not grade any card that has been altered to create the deception that it is a rarer version; for example, turning white borders black or changing the set symbol. CGC Cards will grade "Artist's Alterations" (altered by the artist of the card) and "Artistic Alterations" (altered by anyone in an artful way).

Does CGC Cards certify error cards?

Yes, CGC Cards will grade a card that has a printing error. There no additional fee for grading error cards. To see the full CGC Cards Error Guide, click here.

Will CGC Cards certify NFC (Not Factory Cut) cards?

CGC Cards will typically not grade NFC cards. The only exceptions are NFC test print cards, as they were not usually cut at the factory. 

Will CGC Cards certify odd-sized cards?

As long as a card that CGC Cards accepts is factory cut and can safely fit in a CGC Cards holder, it can be certified.

Will CGC Cards certify square-cut Pokémon cards?

CGC Cards typically will certify square cut cards from after the WotC era. For WotC-era cards, many uncut sheets are known to be in the hands of collectors. Therefore, the only WotC square cuts eligible for certification without additional documentation are Neo Genesis holofoil cards (as there are no known sheets). For other WotC-era cards, provenance tracing back to a WotC employee is required, and must be confirmed to CGC Cards' satisfaction.

Does CGC Cards certify rebacked cards or clipped Beta Cards?

Rebacked and clipped cards are not eligible for certification by CGC Cards. In most cases, rebacked cards are produced by sanding the face of one card and the back of another and gluing them together. This is always done with less valuable cards to create a forgery of a more expensive card. Clipped Beta cards have had the corners made more rounded to imitate an Alpha card. These cards are not eligible for CGC Cards certification.

Still not finding an answer? Contact CGC Customer Service at 1-855-GRADE10 (855-472-3310), 1-941-360-3991 or [email protected].

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